
“Thank you for taking the burden of this balance off of my plate. Unfortunately, it’s just a drop in the bucket. As a cancer survivor, annual scans are a part of my new normal. The medical bills are always more than I can handle or afford, but I can’t afford not to get them. It’s a matter of life and death that I have to stay ahead of. There’s always a chance the cancer could come back. I’ve got a lot to live for and would rather medical debt wasn’t a part of my life. My marriage suffered (and ended) due to bills from my surgeries, hospitalizations, chemotherapy, radiation, coupled with stress and a lack of communication. I can’t say that things would have been better without the medical bills, but they were definitely worse as a result of them. Thank you again for what you all do. It is valuable and makes a difference. In the event you deem me worthy for more assistance, I’ll be in need of it.”

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