For the past two years, I’ve proudly partnered with Undue Medical Debt to abolish debt for South Carolinians burdened by medical debt. Together, we’ve made a tangible impact, eliminating over $31M of medical debt for 36,000 people.
This year, I’m launching a campaign focused on the Upstate South Carolina region and counties within Savannah, Georgia. With your generous support, I aim to raise $48,000, which can relieve over $8.5M of medical debt for 7,929 families across these areas! Any amount raised over the fundraising goal will go towards abolishing debt in other parts of South Carolina.
Here’s the amazing part: Just $1 has the power to wipe out nearly $100 of medical debt, with zero financial consequences for the relief recipient. For just the price of a cup of coffee, your contribution can help someone towards the path of financial stability.
Whether you call these places home or they simply hold a special place in your heart, I urge you to stand with me in alleviating the burden of debt for these incredible communities. Please donate and spread the word with your networks!
Together, let’s make a lasting impact on the lives of thousands of South Carolina and Georgia residents.