Our Solutions
Powered by donors, we buy and erase the medical debts of everyday people, freeing them from bills they can’t afford.
What We Do
We Buy Medical Debt
Our unique method uses donations to buy medical debt in large, bundled portfolios, pinpointing the debt of those most in need.
Empowering Donors
We’re able to buy the debt at a steep discount. This way, each $1 donation erases about $100 of medical debt.
To Erase Debt
Across the country people receive letters that their medical debt is no longer owed. Better yet, there are no taxes, penalties or strings attached.
Recipients Tell Their Stories
We help recipients share their stories to inform systematic improvements to the healthcare system.
Who Qualifies for Debt Relief from Undue?
Those earning 4x or below the federal poverty level.
Those with medical debt that is 5% or more of their annual income.
Our qualification process is income-based:
Undue uses data analytics to pinpoint the debts of those experiencing financial hardship.
We only buy debt from our partners that meets at least one of our two qualifications for relief. Medical debt relief cannot be requested and recipients don’t have to apply — they’re simply notified of debt abolishment.

And Just Like That…
People across the country get surprise letters that their debt has been erased! There is no application, tax consequences or penalties. Just like that, their debts are gone.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does my contribution help debt relief?
In the U.S., 43 million people have medical debt on their credit reports, with 63% of those people incurring debt even while insured. One in 11 adults delay or avoid medical care to prevent accruing debt. Your support not only relieves financial burdens, but also enhances the physical, social and emotional well-being of individuals and contributes to the improvement of their credit scores.
How did my donation abolish so much debt?
We acquire debt in large bundles from providers like hospitals and physician groups, as well as from collection agencies and debt buyers, millions of dollars at a time for a fraction of the face value. This means your donation relieves about 100x its value in medical debt. Due to industry standard debt prices anyone can be an impactful philanthropist.
Do recipients of debt relief have any adverse consequences?
No. With your help, we abolish medical debt permanently. Recipients have no adverse tax consequences, obligations or strings attached.
Medical debt relief is a gift from a detached and disinterested third party (Undue) as an act of generosity, so relief of the debt does not count as income to the debtor. We will not file a Form 1099-C with the IRS.
How can we help Undue Medical Debt connect with more hospitals in our area?
We continuously seek partnership opportunities to expand our outreach and impact. We encourage you to connect with us to help us establish new hospital partnership.
Is my donation tax deductible?
Yes. We are a 501(c)(3) charity and your donation is 100% tax deductible.
When do beneficiaries receive their debt relief letter?
Our abolishment cycles are conducted biweekly. Upon receipt of a donation, it is added into our latest abolishment cycle, which may take a 2-3-week period for the donation to be fully processed and abolished. Donors will receive the Debt Fulfillment Report (DFR), while notification letters are dispatched to beneficiaries approximately two weeks after the DFR is received.
Can I designate our donation to a specific person?
While we would love to help everyone who needs assistance, we cannot relieve debt for specific individuals. We approach the problem of medical debt by acquiring large portfolios of debt to help thousands of people at once.
Because medical debt affects so many people who may not have debt accounts in the portfolios we purchase, we have compiled a list of resources that may be able to help in ways Undue Medical Debt cannot.
What year was Undue founded?
Undue Medical Debt (also known as RIP Medical Debt) was founded in 2014 by two debt collectors with decades of experience.
Can I see Undue’s form 990?
You can find all our financial statements on our transparency and accountability page.
Does Undue Medical Debt endorse or sponsor local or state ballot measures or legislation?
Currently, Undue Medical Debt does not endorse or sponsor local or state ballot measures or legislation. Undue Medical Debt appreciates the importance of these policy advocacy efforts to end medical debt and protect consumers from harm. As an organization working at the community, state and federal levels to abolish debt, our capacity is directed toward debt abolishment and informing the narrative about medical debt. We are committed to policy and systems change that eliminates medical debt and will continue to amplify the harm of medical debt and need for policy solutions at all levels of decision making.